Wednesday, April 29, 2009

You never know

If this baby ends up being a boy, I'm going to have to deal with a major paradigm shift...


Unknown said...

I hope if you have a boy that you will still use the pink bath supplies. Don't worry, he probably won't be gay because of them. :)

the crew said...

Hey, Kiersten Lewis here- just reading about your little breech one- my first baby was breech for a while, and then my midwife suggested I put a warm pack low on my abdomen, and a cold pack high- babies like their heads near the warm- within minutes he flipped right over, and stayed there- ready to go! Just an idea! Good luck with everything! And congratulations!

Scott said...

Thanks for the tip, Kiersten; it's great to hear from you! We'll try it and let you know how it goes.

Megan said...

I can understand that except for me it would be the reverse and I would be really questioning what exactly I saw on the ultrasound in between my babies legs.

You are almost there! So exciting.

Scott said...

No more breech! Our daughter settled in on her own.