Wednesday, April 08, 2009


We are new to Skype, but we love it. We have used it twice. Britta's family is going to start to use it to keep in touch with each other. This is a photo of Britta talking with her dad. Growing up we had neighbors who had one of the first video phones. The display was monochromatic LCD and probably 4 bit resolution. Nobody else had a videophone, so it was completely useless. But it was cool. Also, I think Nickelodeon was having a promotion at the time (I think it must've been in 1992) when their winning contestants were awarded with videophones. This is so much better. You ought to call us sometime!
On another note (pun intended) I awoke this morning to hear a bright red cardinal singing on our back yard fence. It wasn't long before this female cardinal came and called back to the male, and they both bounced along the fence and the shrubs before flying off together. I had just enough time to take a bad picture. I love spring!


Ryan said...

Hey guys! That's cool you're on Skype. We use it to talk to Mel's family in Washington. I'm going to email you our username because I don't want it posted on the interwebs.

Megan said...

We use skype too. It's useful when your family is over a 20 hour drive away! The account is under Mike's name. However, sometimes we get a bad connection which is really frustrating. It's a little blessing though that's for sure.

Amy Kay Peterson said...


Alisha said...

so cool about the cardinals. i don't get to see cool birds here.
never tried skype, but maybe i should try.