Saturday, April 25, 2009

An excuse to make more cupcakes!

Today was a good day.  My dear friend, Emily, threw me a baby shower!  Of course, my first thought was, "Can I make cupcakes for it?"  My second thought was... "gosh, I don't know very many people to invite." I'm really quite a hermit. I sit in my house all day working on weekdays, and on the weekends I'm traveling with my stake calling half the time, so I don't even know a lot of people at church. I feel blessed that so many people came to my shower! Thank you to everyone who came! And thank you, Emily for making it happen! And thank you to all who ate my cupcakes!


Valerie said...

Oh my gosh, Britta! These are GORGEOUS cupcakes! Adorable!

Kristen P. said...

Shut up! You made those? I can't even frost one the regular way without it looking barely edible. I am impressed!

Stacey Kirchner said...

Holy cow. Those are amazing cupcakes. How on earth do you have all the patience to decorate them like that?! Incredible!

Sarah Peterson said...

they look fabulous... really, a work of art! I don't think I would eat it- it is too pretty. You now know you could always find work in a bakery if you ever are out of work!!