Wednesday, March 28, 2012

All About Henry: 6 month installment

I know, this is a little late. I don't want to forget him at this stage so here goes:

Weight: 18 lbs (60%)
Length: 27.4 in (82.6%)
Head: 17.4 in (77.13%)

  • Henry is a happy boy. It is super easy to make him laugh. He is very ticklish and very engaging. A couple weeks ago while I was sitting in Primary with him on my lap, he just started laughing. They were big bellowing laughs. I have no idea what prompted them, but he kept it up intermittently for like 10 minutes. All the kids were completely distracted, which just encouraged him more.
  • He sits really well and stands well and can walk awkwardly while we hold his hands. Despite all this, he still doesn't roll.
  • I think he's going to be a tease. He likes to tease Grace: tries to touch her hair, grabs her foot and then looks at her for a response, stares at her and laughs even when she's not doing anything, "pets" her blanket when it's around her legs. He doesn't do this when it's just sitting on the floor.
  • He sure loves his pacifier.
  • He grabs everything within reach and is always curious.
  • Sometimes I'm convinced he is a totally competent, intelligent spirit but is only limited by his tiny, awkward body. There are moments when I have "conversations" with him or just look at him and it seems like he's very aware of what's going on and everything around him.
  • I still have a potentially unhealthy relationship with his hair. I love it. But I love him even more.

Lovely Grace