Sunday, September 28, 2008

No Pressure

I want to start this post by letting everyone know I don't have an assignment or calling at church yet.  In spite of this, I was asked on Thursday night to teach today's Young Women joint lesson at church.  The sister who asked me to teach said that they periodically ask members of the congregation to teach the Young Women just for variety's sake.  So I frantically prepared a lesson in the little time I've had since then and went in to teach today.  Little did I know, the entire YW Stake presidency happened to be there, and the Bishop came in about 2 minutes after I started.  I asked him if he had business and he said, no, I just thought I'd sit in Young Women today.

It was very hot in the room, but I probably would've been sweating even if the air conditioner were too cold.


nettie said...

First of all, you should have been asked sooner to teach than thursday, that's VERY inconsiderate. Second of all, I'm sure the YW presidency (at least the president) knew the stake YW presidency was going to be in your class, they should have given you a head's up.

I would have been very frustrated. I'm sure you did an excellent job, but sometimes I don't get people. That seems like a lot to put on you as a sub.

Maybe it was your "try out". Even so, I would have been annoyed. But then again, I get annoyed easily.

Amy said...

I'm sure you did great, despite the extra unexpected pressure. You were always great at teaching yoga, and now you have all those good self-relaxing skills, right? I remember them asking me to do that once. I really don't remember what I taught, but there was adequate amount of participation, and I didn't have any extra visitors. They didn't end up calling me to the young women after that, though. I was sort of hoping they would.

Jamie and Julie said...

You might get a calling after teaching your lesson. I'm sure you did well. I recently was released from Scouts and I was told not to get to comfortable, then the next week they had another calling for me. I'm serving in the Elder's quorum presidency now. Scouts that are a little older.

StephenEmily Stacey said...

I'll be that you did lots better than you thought you did. And since there were so many people of higher authority in there, they'll probably give you a calling now:)

Alisha said...

your calling coming up soon...

Valerie said...

Sounds like you have a YW President who didn't want to teach in front of that crowd...

Even so, I'm sure you gave a great lesson! What was your lesson on?

I teach the Laurels in our ward now, and LOVE it! Seriously, it's the best calling in the ward. I'll hope for that one for you. ;)

Elysa said...

Yikes!! Well, at least you were not teaching the chastity lesson... Wait, were you teaching the chastity lesson? That would explain the late notice and the crowd... :)

Anonymous said...

Ha ha! Elysa, no I was not teaching the chastity lesson, but about a year ago, Scott and I DID teach jointly a chastity lesson to all the young women in our old ward, but that's a different story. My lesson was on recognizing that each person is divine and eternal. It was a good subject.

After the lesson, the sister who asked me to teach apologized because she had no idea all those people were going to be in the class. I honestly think it was just a coincidence. The YW Stake president is actually in our ward, she's just not there very often, due to her calling.

)en said...

Yeah, i think the stake presidency drops in whenev. They do that in primary at least. High five, britta. Sometimes i think it's good to be asked to teach/give a talk at the last minute. I mean, if i have a lot of time, am i really going to use all that time to prepare? Probably not. And then if it's lame, it's not my fault. :D

Speaking of chastity, one time I taught the chastity lesson for the gospel principles class and the bishop sat in on it. It was awesome.

grandkrumps said...

Hi, Britta! I just had to check out your blog, since we met at the Temple last week. I am YW president in OUR ward, and I have had that same wonderful Stake YW president sit in on MY lesson. She is totally non-judgmental, warm and helpful in every way. Even so, I'd wait for the phone to ring! Oh--is there an opening for an advisor, or was someone sick, or did they truly just want to hear from another voice? Can't wait to get to know the 4 of you better. gk