Sunday, September 21, 2008

Go Cougs!!!

One hundred three unanswered points in eight quarters with the second string playing 30% of the time (while still maintaining a shut-out).
This is an exciting time for BYU Football fans.  I just wish that Anatomy and Biochemistry would allow me a chance to really watch a game (although the TCU game will likely be impeded by Histology . . .)  
I wonder what is going through the minds of our opponents and their coaching staff? . . . 
Perhaps the Jacksonville Jaguars can help with this one.
This made me laugh out loud.


Alisha said...

so fun for byu.

the video had me going for a sec.

Ryan said...

How long until some big team back east steals Bronco from us?

Scott said...

The video is really one of the funniest things I have seen in a while.
Ryan-I don't think any other school will 'steal' Bronco from us. This is his last job, I think, before moving on to another entirely different responsibility . . . like surfing for life. (btw, when will your mom's chocolate shop be online? I've been dying to check it out and buy surprises for Britta . . .)

Jamie and Julie said...

Here's a cool video of the BYU vs UCLA matchup - here

Kirsten said...

Holy cow you guys!! I can't believe I found your blog! I don't even know if you remember has been almost 10 years now. Crazy how time flies. It is Kirsten (Phillips) Rasmussen from the DT days. How are you guys??! Sounds like you don't live that far from us...we are in Columbus, Ohio! Can you believe freshman year was almost 10 years ago? Anyway, I'd love to hear from you guys (that is if you even remember who I am!). Our blog is!