Saturday, February 24, 2007

Speak Impediment

I have never been one who is good at conversations. In fact, conversing on the phone is one of my all time greatest fears. I credit some of this fear to a mix-up in the wiring of my brain in the vocabulary retrievement department. Sometimes the perfect word to use in a conversation just won't come. I know it exists in my head, and it teases me by sending words that are close, but not really.

Here are some examples. I was cleaning up my house and the next thing to do was vacuum the floors. I told Scott, "I'll just be in the other room; I have to rake the carpet." Just today as we were driving down the street, the sun was glaring off the snow and the wet roads. It was bright, so I pointed to the sunglasses and said, "You can put on those headlights if you want to."

I think this vocabulary retrievement disability was inherited by my mom. One of the examples I remember from her: She was cooking chili and it needed to be stirred to keep from burning, but her hands were busy. She turned to my sister and said, "Amber, can you rub the chili?"


Alisha said...

lol. just yesterday i said to jeff: "i pulled the car into the fridge". this speech problem, i believe is an aging women. i thought it i got it from my mother, but i guess it's more wide spread than i thought.

Kristen P. said...

I think it's because we have too many thoughts racing around in our heads. For me, ever since I was pregnant with Sam, I feel crazy because I can't remember anything. Our lives are just too busy to keep everything straight!
Or, it could be because you know too much! Either way, it makes you feel crazy. I'm so crazy that I can't even remember saying things like this but I know I do.

Valerie said...

Oh my gosh, Britta!!! I do this ALL the time, especially when I'm using (or misusing) a cliche. I truly thought this was due to my hyperthyroidism. I'm glad to know I'm not alone!!

I'll admit though, phone conversations are where I actually shine. My mind has time to think of things, maybe because I'm not having to process the visual information??

I love it though! Thanks for the post!

Karen K. said...

Thank you for your post. I too do this all the time and get laughed at. I'm free entertainment for my friends, family and co-workers.As far as phone conversations...if it's really important and I want to sound coherent and professional and together, etc., etc., I write it down first. And it's ok!

Mom and Dad Pete said...

That's so funny! I thought it was just me! I do this all the time--I tell everyone that just have to know the way I talk, my kids got to understanding me.

Anonymous said...

you all are just crazy...I never do that! okay okay- I do, just usually it's my actions that are mixed up... I put milk in the pantry and cereal in the fridge. What's that all about!?

Kristen P. said...

I forgot to say...My students think I'm absolutely nuts and wonder why they are letting me be a TA. I get really bad in my labs(this is not a good place for this to happen). And I try to put the milk in the cupboard too. Our brains just misfire sometimes. I don't know why.

Karen K. said...

After my first comment I had this experience. I was ironing (yes I still do that) and while gathering up the ironed clothes I spotted a jacket that hadn't been ironed. I spoke to it (I can't believe that I'm admitting that either) and said this: "You can't go upstairs haven't been vacuumed." (Do other people speak to inanimate objects in their home???)

Britta said...

yes... yes, I do.

Karen K. said...

Oh Thank Goodness! ;) I think I'm in trouble when the inanimate objects start talking back...

Amy said...

(Chuckle) Just the other day I was bemoaning my lack of vocabulary at inopportune moments. I'd relate the stories to you, but it seems to have something to do with a brain block, and the same block is also keeping me from remembering what I said! I think I couldn't remember the word for odometer, calling it the "mileage thingy." It happens too many times per day to even recall anymore!