Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween!

Riding the bus everyday to and from work/school I get a chance to meet some great people and get to know them fairly well. One of my bus friends is named Chris. We are often dressed in a suit and tie on the same day (Thurs), but for different reasons. He is a Jehovah's Witness and proselytizes on Thursdays, and I work at the MTC and often have presentations there about missionary work on Thursdays. Sometimes I see the strategically placed (really, "left behind") Awake! or WatchTower magazines on the seats of the bus which virtually everyone avoids acknowledging, and know its been Chris' warm-up for his own work. He really is a great guy and is very friendly (maybe overly so), knows everyone's name and has a disarming laugh.

Anyhow, twice in the past week I have mistakenly, and honestly, asked him about his Halloween plans or about holidays. I know that the Jehova's witnesses do not celebrate the holidays, but for some reason I completely blanked these two times, which, actually, I think is pretty funny.

The previous story has no point.

I love Halloween. Candy candy candy.

I came across this video today. I love it. So, for all you "Chris-es" out there (and for anyone with a good sense of humor) I give you this holiday offering. Enjoy!

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