Friday, October 20, 2006

Crazy Britta

Here is an illustration I finished last week for the Liahona magazine. It will be published in March. Because I'm still new to working with a deadline, this illustration caused me a little bit of panic. There were times when I just wanted to throw the whole thing across the room, and times when I almost vowed never to paint again. But now that it's all done and handed in, I'm looking forward to my next commission. Crazy!

Half the time I feel like I don't know what I'm doing. Wouldn't it be nice to just know how to do everything, and to be able to improve talents just by wanting to?


Scott said...

I'm crazy about "crazy britta"

Kristen P. said...

Oh, two must be meant for each other!

Britta, both of those paintings are wonderful. Maybe we'll employ you someday....

nettie said...

Britta, once again your paintings are great--you are so talented!

James said...

Britta, very beautiful. Thank you for sharing your talent with us.