Friday, October 27, 2006

Dream, Dream, Dream

The other night when we were at volleyball, I got hit in the head four, yes four, times. It was a riot, especially because the first and hardest hit was from Scott (it left a little red welt on my forehead for a few minutes). Anyway, that night as we were falling asleep, my cuddling was interrupted by Scott's whole body jerking, resulting in his head propped up completely perpendicular to his body, eyes open. I grumbled at being so rudely startled, and he started laughing. He had dreamt that I had hit a volleyball at his head! We both had a good laugh at that.

This is not the first time I have been interrupted from my sleep by his dreams. About a year after we got married, we were sleeping and his arm was draped across my shoulders and chest, and he started pushing down on my collarbone. It was a little uncomfortable. So I reached under his arm and started pushing it up away from me, but he just pushed harder, and he is much stronger than me. It got to the point where I was a little nervous cause my breathing was almost affected. Then he said (which is now a classic line), "You're not getting away this time, Mr. Jackson!" I said, "Scott" rather louder than I needed to, but it woke him up. He just mumbled, "oh, I thought you were Michael Jackson and I was arresting you" then rolled over and went back to sleep. Good times.


Kristen P. said...

And I thought Jon did crazy stuff in his sleep.....

Sarah Peterson said...

Sounds like Scott is destined to become the next Dogg bounty hunter and go extradite Michael Jackson from his exile in Yemen! LOL me and sarah got a good laugh from this one... Sarah has made me laugh several times from things she says in her sleep to. For some reason I can't recall any at the moment

Sarah Peterson said...

that was me, brett... and this is me too - don't be fooled by it saying sarah peterson ahahahaha

Valerie said...

Crazy! I especially love the Michael Jackson line.

I wish I could remember the last time I slept well enough to have dreams. Wow. Four kids will do that.

Anonymous said...

Ahh... I can't imagine what Mikey went through that first year of college. Thank goodness you both had separate beds. You two would have clobbered each other!


BTW: T-minus five days, Scotty. Whatcha ya gonna get?

Scott said...

Me? Mikey was the one standing in the hallway at 3:00 am holding every pair of shoes he owned!

Who knows? Its up to Britta. But Jeff and Nettie are going to be in town, and that's going to be nice. We'll all get together and have dinner and watch the game. Anything more than that is a bonus.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, we need to ask his new wife how things have been going... My favorite time is when you gave me your room key and I turned on his stereo early n the morning. The look on his face when he unplugged his alarm clock and it didn't turn off. Ahh... fun memories.

Happy Halloween Scott and Britta!