Saturday, May 07, 2011


I still struggle through the days (especially cold or wet ones) trying to figure out activities that Grace and I can do together that don't include running a lot, wearing me out, or watching a video. With the coming of Easter, I was excited to try to dye eggs with Grace.

I talked all about it, trying to psych her up: when we got the supplies at the store, when we were cooking the eggs, when I was preparing the table...

Side note: Grace doesn't really care for crafts. Coloring keeps her attention for .2 seconds. Play-doh keeps her attention for 3.5 minutes. The closest we've gotten to enjoying crafts is dragging fingers through spilled milk. I think that can last over five minutes.

So why did I think this would be a fun idea? I don't know. I guess I'm delusional. Right from the start, when I took out the dye pellets, Grace thought they were candy and wanted to eat them. As I put them in the glasses of water, she thought they were juice and wanted to drink them. She proceeded to get very mad and cried the WHOLE time, asking for a drink of "that juice." I tried to get her to color on an egg. She took the black crayon (her favorite color, btw), made one line, then threw the crayon and cried "all done."

When the first egg came out of the dye, she hesitated for a second as she noticed the color change, then cried that she wanted to eat the egg. I finally gave in, cracked the egg and got a plate for her. She refused to eat it, calling it a "yucky egg."

It seems about two weeks before her birthday, she instantly changed into an irrational 2 year-old. I used to be able to talk her through her frustrations, but not anymore. This is a whole new level of parenting that I am having a hard time dealing with. I've read books, I've heard advice, but you don't really know what your into until you go through it. And I'm just starting...

Wish me luck!


Unknown said...

Good luck! Unfortunately, as soon as you feel like you've made it through one phase with one child, the next child begins the same phase. And then the rules change because the next child is a different person, you are now dealing with more than one child, and your parenting style may have changed. :)

Christina Dalton said...

Those are some awesome eggs!

Alisha said...

well, at least your eggs look cool. in my opinon three was harder than two. just be prepared for two years of learning patience. brianne is right you parenting will change for just go with the flow.

Valerie said...

Oh, the fun begins! I personally like age 4 the bestest. ;)

StephenEmily Stacey said...

That is hilarious! I think that our kids may have swapped places in heaven. You're way more crafty than me and Ella will spend 1-2 hours playing with play dough. Don't even get me started on coloring; we've gone through 2 or 3 boxes of crayons because she goes through them so fast!