Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Barefoot, pregnant and running

Like my shoes? They're like running barefoot. I decided to run with them in a 5K last week, before I get too big and it gets too hot outside. Here is me, running 5K at (almost) 5 months pregnant in honor of the 5 of May-o.

The day was perfect! It was one of the exceptionally few perfect days we've had this spring. Scott took some pictures of the area while I was off running.

Perfect, right? That little head running along the path in the above photo is Grace. She likes to run, too.

Running was a great experience. I felt like a rock star as I crossed the finish line at exactly 30:00. While pregnant. That's my not-pregnant time, and I know I've been running slower at the gym. I was actually shocked when I realized I had maintained a 10-minute mile the whole time! The location was awesome, running on shaded blacktop paths along a river. The sponsor was awesome, organized, and good at psyching everyone up, and the whole event was treated like a fiesta. We even ran alongside the three amigos! We got serenaded with "My Little Buttercup" around the first mile when they passed us. (We passed them about half a mile later when they started walking.)

I had a running buddy, too, which made it even more awesome. At the end of the race, they had a feast with overflowing platters of fresh fruits, vegetables, tortilla chips, a salsa bar, virgin margaritas and other drinks, tons of churros and candy. Then, to top it all off, during the awards ceremony (which was treated like a party) we won 18-holes of golf at a nearby club, a ball and frisbee for Grace, and a voucher for two theater tickets.

Probably the funnest 5K I've run. I think I'll try it again next year.


Stephen Stacey said...

The Bikila, eh? Good choice. I myself run in the KSO or KSO trek. They're fun! I got them for running but fell into the slippery slope of wearing them everywhere. In fact, I liked them so much that all I do anymore is go around reading blogs until I find somebody talking about them so I can comment on it.

Good job on the 5K. That looks like fun. Way to beat The Three Amigos!

Alisha said...

oh that pic of the trail and mountains and blooming tree...i LOVE it.
how do you like those shoes? i've been considering them.

Britta said...

I almost started this blog with a review of the shoes, but then after re-reading what I wrote, I bored myself and deleted it. But since you asked, here goes:

Now that I'm used to them, they are essentially like any other shoe. Getting used to them was the pits. I was in pain for almost a month. The first few weeks, the pain was on the tops of my feet. They felt bruised. It was kind of weird. The next few weeks the pain moved to my Achilles and calves. This was all expected, though. I'd done a lot of research before buying them. Everyone says there's an adjustment time because you need to train your body to use different muscles, ones to strengthen your feet and calves, and ones to help stabilize your balance. Plus, your form changes and you start to run with your toe hitting the ground before your heel. This is a historically more natural way to run and should help reduce injury and pain.

My experience after the adjustment has been this: I don't have knee pain or painful toe callouses anymore (which was the motivation to get them in the first place). In the beginning I felt like it took more work to run in vibrams than in ordinary shoes. Now I feel really awkward and clunky in ordinary shoes. AND when I wear my old running shoes for exercise or for longer than an hour during the day, the bottoms of my feet REALLY hurt.

I think the vibrams are ugly, so even though Steve wears them a lot, my vanity would prevent me from wearing them outside of a workout. But otherwise, time will tell if they prevent injury. I'm sold enough on them to keep it up. They are pretty comfortable now that I'm used to them.

Emily said...

When did you start running in Vibrams?? It's all I use anymore! They're great.

It was wonderful talking to you today. Hope you make it okay the next few days with Scott gone. I'm sending friend vibes your way!

Alisha said...

i commented on here the other day...i guess it got lost.

do you like those shoes? i've been thinking about trying them.
also, the background to your run is BEAUTIFUL!

Britta said...

@Alisha - I commented back! Blogger had some issues Wednesday and Thursday and all comments that were from those days were deleted for some reason. Now that I'm used to the shoes, they're more or less like any other shoe. They were a pain to get used to, though. It took about a month before I wasn't really sore in my legs or feet. However, the reason I got them was to reduce injury, long-term pain and callouses and it's worked so far! I'm happy with them. Plus, now when I wear my old running shoes, they are the painful ones now. If you want more details I'd be happy to share.

@Emily - I got my Vibrams in February, inspired by you and Steve, by lots of research, and by a desire for less knee pain.

Anonymous said...

Yeah Britta :) Kali