Saturday, August 09, 2008

Luau in Minnesota?

During my family reunion the oldest grandchild had her 11th birthday, so we had to celebrate. The theme of choice? Hawaiian! In the picture below, you can see the birthday girl coming out of the cabin with a red hat. Scott got a kick of this picture because my dad was trying to get a good picture of Sofia (the three year old above) and Amber and I were trying to get her to wave her arms like a hula for the picture. Sofia resolutely wouldn't do it and kept saying "Sofie can't" (she in the speaking in third person phase). This picture caught just that moment. Kind of funny! (Not the most flattering picture of my sister and I!)
This picture shows the kids eagerly lining up for the piniata (hawaiian... mexican... who cares, right? It's still candy). You can kind of see the cabin we stayed in in this shot, too. It was huge! It was made of two halves that were joined by a little door in the middle like joint hotel rooms for a total of seven bedrooms - one with four beds for the older boy cousins all together. My mom and dad rented a smaller separate cabin on the same resort with two additional bedrooms. I have to give praise to my mom for finding such a great place for our family reunion!
Scott had a crush on my niece, Tova, and she had a crush on him. She followed him around the whole week and always wanted to be entertained by him, cuddle, or just hang out. It was totally cute.
Another shot of Tova.


Alisha said...

it's so green and pretty there. i love family reunions.

Amy said...

How'd you change "comments" to "Brownie Points"?

Britta said...

In your Dashboard, go to Layout>Page Elements and in the Blog Posts window click "edit". In the window that pops up there is a field that says "comments". You can type in whatever you want there.