Sunday, September 29, 2013

All About Henry: 2 year installment

2 year stats
Height: 36" (85%)
Weight: 29.7 lbs (70%)

When my oldest sister had her first baby boy, she once told me it felt like she had a husband and a boyfriend at the same time. I totally feel that way about Henry. He's my little boyfriend. Grace apparently feels the same way, too. We've had several conversations about her marrying Henry when she grows up. One of them almost ended in tears as I tried to explain to her she can't marry her brother. Needless to say, we all love Henry.

On his birthday we invited a couple of our friends over for dinner and cake. Henry knew just what to do. As we were singing the last couple words of the Happy Birthday song, fast as lightning, he pounced on the table, blew out his candles with a gale wind force, then landed back in his chair. It was done in about a second. He had the biggest smile on his face. We were all a little shocked by his speed and precision!

Henry still loves food, which I'm so grateful for. He's starting to get a little more selective, but will still eat a good variety in abundance. His favorite food, which he requested for his birthday dinner, is noodles. He also still loves all variety of fruit, most notably apples, grapes, watermelon, blueberries and raspberries.

His favorite toys are cars, trains, bead mazes, blocks and balls. He has a special affinity right now for fire trucks and police cars. We live on a busy highway and hear emergency vehicles all the time. He rushes to the window every time, eagerly calling, "p'eece?" (translation: police) He also really likes dogs, but he's a little more nervous about petting them than Grace was at this age. He was thrilled to ride a pony at the fair this year, and almost cried when he had to get off.

He loves hugging and walking through my and Scott's legs. If we let him, he'll hook his arm around an adult knee and just swing around and around through the tunnel as long as we're standing. He is super ticklish and loves it, shouting out "nain" when we play tickle games (translation: again).

He loves Grace. He follows her around and wants to be just like her. They play really well together.

He talks with me a lot about what he observes, but I'm pretty sure I'm the only one that can understand most of what he says. He can easily count to ten. I think my favorite phrase is "mom, wat dis!" (Translation: Mom, watch this) He's super smart. He loves puzzles and can do our alphabet puzzle all by himself. He sings a lot and can match pitch! I didn't know that was possible for such a young child. He's already started the "why" question phase, which seems awfully early to me. I think he might do it just for the attention more than for answers. He is super playful. He just loves to laugh and have fun. He's pretty easy-going most of the time.

He is a cuddler. He loves kisses and hugs and squishing his face up against my face (which I love, too). He's really patient when I change his diapers or when I have to wipe his nose. He likes watching "shows" when Grace is at preschool. His favorites are Team Umizoomi, Curious George and Dora. His favorite colors are orange and blue, sometimes red. He's such a good little boy.

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