Saturday, September 21, 2013

You know you live in a small town when...

...the only slow traffic you get all year is for NASCAR race weekends. And the locals set up lawn chairs on the side of the road to watch it!

The day before race weekends, some of the sponsors show their stuff in the parking lot of the local Walmart.

Race cars really do have stickers instead of headlights! Something I learned from Disney, but didn't see until I moved here.

Henry ran up to the first car he saw and gave it a big hug. He loves cars... a boy after his father's heart.

Did you see those muddy pants? Yup. He's a boy. Caked in mud, hugging a race car.

We played some racing video games inside race cars. Grace loved it even though she had no idea what she was doing. Henry was like, "meh."

Both my kids liked the Snickers car best. They both saw the chocolate on the outside, and perhaps thought there were loads of it on the inside.

And we'll leave you with one of those oh so familiar Grace poses. Cheers!


Galen said...

Thanks for remembering to bring a camera to these great photo-ops... and thanks for not showing Scott hugging a car with pasted-on headlines

Britta said...

I didn't have my camera, but luckily, I had my phone. I forgot that the race cars were going to be there. We were at Walmart to get something else. It was a fun surprise.

Alisha said...

lol. what a great surprise when just a trip to walmart was planned. i didn't know that about the stickers. also, i love to see grace's hair bc i think coco's is like hers.