Wednesday, November 03, 2010

All about Grace: 18 month installment

I love this girl!

18 m stats
Weight: 22 lbs (almost) - 16%
Height: 31" - 45%

She says about 200 words. Her favorite movie (for the past few days) is Jack Jack Attack. At just under 5 minutes long, we've watched it a LOT lately... over and over and over. She understands a lot and is surprisingly obedient when I ask her to do (or not do) things. However she does have a mind of her own, too.

When she's happy and walking fast she swings her arms and swags her hips dramatically. She still loves to dance and will dance and applaud during the hymns at church. When I mix broccoli into her mac-n-cheese she will pick out the broccoli and eat it and leave the mac-n-cheese behind. She loves ketchup. She loves shredded parmesan cheese. Her current favorite book is any "Llama Llama" book. She loves tents. She loves soft blankets. She gets mad at the camera when I try to take her picture. Either I get her back, or I get this:

She is amazing. It is amazing to see her learn new things and see her body develop coordination and more refined motor skills. She can climb to the top of the piano in 12 seconds (or less, that's just how long I was out of the room). I'm so happy to be a stay-at-home mom. It is so much more satisfying than I ever imagined.


Alisha said...

TOTALLY agree with the last sentence!
what a sweet girl. the cracks me up about the mac-and cheese. oh, britta this amazement will only continue and just get better. fun post.

K.E.N said...

She is getting so terribly big! YIKES! I can remember when you had her and she was so tiny that even her newborn clothes didn't fit. Have you really been away this long? I have been thinking about you guys lately (a lot in fact) and really really miss you. She is adorable, simply adorable.

Megan said...

She really has grown up a lot too! 200 words. Wow. I'm impressed. It's fascinating to me to see how little girls are chatter boxes from the beginning. Very cool.

Amber said...

What a cutie. And all that blond hair! I was thinking if we lived close we could do Santa Lucia together. Oh well. In spirit.