Tuesday, February 16, 2010

All About Grace: 9 month installment

Height: 26.75" (25th percentile)
Weight: 16.8 lbs (25th percentile)

Grace is already 9 months! It's so fun to see her little personality make an appearance. Here are some things we love about Grace (in no particular order):
  • She is crawling like a champ, but prefers to walk with support whenever possible... or even run. She's a mover.
  • She still sucks the two middle fingers of her right hand, but that's not all. Her left hand now has the job of twisting hair around her fingers, either her own hair or mine.
  • She loves to be held, but wiggles constantly. Not an easy combination.
  • When she's happy she bounces and chirps.
  • She can be quite stubborn, persistent and obstinate. She gets super focused on something she wants and it isn't always easy to distract her from her goal. (Can't wait for the teenage years with this trait.)
  • She's a very careful and gentle baby, but surprisingly strong.
  • She's tough. She doesn't cry or fuss easily when bonked, bumped, scratched, etc. Just this week she dove head first from my lap to the hardwood kitchen floor to get a toy. I gasped as her head bonked the floor and picked her up right away only to have her lunge right back towards the toy as if nothing happened (example of her persistence).
  • She is such a joy. She makes Scott and me so happy. We love this little girl and are so happy to have her in our family.


nettie said...

cute! i think ginger is about to pass her up in the weight dept.

K.E.N said...

I will be sad when you guys move away and I can't hold her in church anymore. I will also miss you two.

StephenEmily Stacey said...

Ahh - Susan, the cute hairy friend:) I love the way that she makes Grace laugh.

Alisha said...

cute pics!