Sunday, November 15, 2009

To Hold or Not to Hold: The 6 month question

Grace has entered a new phase where she wants to be held. all. the. time. She's so close to moving on her own and feels the anxiousness of wanting to get around. To add to this phase, she no longer wants to sit. She only wants to stand... because she knows thats how you get around... which doesn't work so well when you don't know how to stand unsupported. Apparently she thinks she can. This is what she does when we try to sit her down.
6 month stats:
Weight, 14.6 lbs - 25%
Height, 24.5 inches - 10%
She's way ahead of schedule on her motor skills, btw.


Kristen P. said...

I can't believe she's 6 months! What a stinkin' cute face!!! She's such a pip squeak. Sam weighed 15lb 3oz at 2 months and 20lb 4oz at six months. He was such a big baby. I didn't even think he was so big back then.

Stacey Kirchner said...

She is so tiny!! My sister just had a baby boy...22 inches long 10 lbs and 2 oz! Talk about a monster!

Alisha said...

she is so little!! that pic is great! i remember these times, stiff stiff stiff.

Valerie said...

I can't believe she's in the 10% for height!!! She is just so dang cute!

Sarah Peterson said...

the old leg lock trick.. very annoying!!

nettie said...

i realize she is small, but she looks so grown up since we saw her in august. i love this picture.