Sunday, May 10, 2009

Gains and Losses

In a remarkably short amount of time, Grace has surpassed her birth weight! Her latest weight is 5 lbs 3 oz, and we are very grateful. The temperature in our house has subsequently been dropped to 70 degrees instead of 73, and boy does it feel great! We were all sweating it out for a few days. It's amazing what 3 degrees can do.

On a similar note, I have sweat off a LOT of my water retention (and I had a lot of water retention from my pre-eclampsia). Near the end of my pregnancy when my belly was still pretty small, I claimed to carry my baby weight in my ankles (and hands and face...). In just a week, I've lost 20 lbs!
Alisha, I am planning on posting a summary of my birth story for you and for those interested, so stay tuned.


Kristen P. said...

Glad that she is doing well. She's so sweet. I totally think she looks like Scott. But don't quote me; I might change my mind. You and I can share our preeclampsia woes. This may be TMI but I have stretch marks on my legs like no one should have because of my preeclampsia. The nurse in the hospital asked me what I did to myself. I was like you've never seen stretch marks before? And I did the exact same thing with S and B lost 20 pounds I think faster than I gained it. Unfortunately, I gained it all back and then lost it again after S quit nursing. I can hope for the same this time around with B.

Stacey Kirchner said...

She's precious. Happy Mother's Day, Britta!

StephenEmily Stacey said...

I think she has a Scott expression in the top picture. Maybe it's because her mouth is just a little lopsided:) So super cute!

)en said...

sooo preeettyyy...