Saturday, March 07, 2009

Story of a Tree (and other landscape musings)

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful huge 100+ year old tree. Although lovely, it was growing into a house and causing damage and worry to the owners.
So it had to go. After three days of non-stop chainsaws, and discovering a large part of the tree was actually hollow, the lovely though misguided tree had dropped it's last leaf.

The owners were sad to see the tree go, especially because the loss of the tree, in addition to the replacement of a sewage line, left their front yard in sad need of attention.
Being first time home owners, the owners have no idea how to approach the new and exciting possibilities in landscaping. Should they go for a more traditional evergreen hedge/shrubs, or a more flowery country deciduous look?


K.E.N said...

How or where did you get the computer program to perform such a landscaping feat? I would like to try the same for my home.

Anonymous said...

I just took pictures of my house and random shrubbery around the neighborhood and online and put it together in photoshop.

Karen K. said...

Probably the evergreens plus other plantings that will produce color at various times of the year. Without the evergreens your house will look dead in that cold, cold winter you experience each year. So my vote in a nutshell? A little of each!

Als said...

Hey old friend, I found your blog link on FB and wanted to say hi. I'm so excited you're having a little girl (it is a girl, right?) I hope everything goes super well. Lots of love
Allie (of Fairbourne fame)

Amy said...

Man, I wish I could look as AWESOME as you when I was pregnant!

By the way, were you ever on a yoga video in a past life? I swear I saw you on one the other day--a power yoga set of three classes with some polynesian guy with his shirt off as the teacher. . .

See what I'm reduced to because you're not around? I have to get my yoga from videos at the library!

sherri said...

Looks like you have your work cut out for you--but take care of the essential things first. I like the shrubbery with a few plants like Karen said;esp. the tall one by the window; but what do I know?(I really need to do something with my own home!)