Sunday, February 08, 2009

Tamales and Sprite

A friend of mine recently recommended I keep track of the foods I've craved since I've been pregnant, so here's another pregnancy related post. Sorry if your getting sick of them. 
  • Most recently, tamales and Sprite. I was worried I wouldn't be able to satiate the tamales craving (which I've had for about a week), then I learned that a Mexican restaurant in town sells them!  I might be visiting them more often. Tamales were all over in Utah. I got hooked on them when I lived on the farm, the Mexican employee would occasionally bring me homemade tamales and I would give him some of Scott's chocolate chip cookies. Those were good tamales.
  • In the Mexican theme: I had about a two week period where I really wanted fresh churros. Unfortunately, I never found any.
  • Sweet things
  • Chex mix
  • Cream cheese.  For about two months, cream cheese on anything sounded delicious.
  • Good melted mozzarella cheese (on pizza or pasta or bread)
  • Sweet and sour sauce
  • During my first trimester I had a lot of anti-cravings where I didn't exactly crave a food, but the thought of eating anything but that food made me feel sick.  The most prominent of these was my party ham casserole week.  I ate this really basic casserole of egg noodles, cream of mushroom soup, sour cream, ham and croutons every day for a week, sometimes for lunch and dinner.
  • Another anti-craving: waffles, specifically with strawberries and whip cream on top.
I wish I craved things like spinach and broccoli, because I really should try to eat better. Clearly none of my cravings have been very healthy... oh well.


Unknown said...

Hey, I thought of you twice yesterday. Once when listening to "God So Loved the World," and once when I heard the "Safety Dance." Thanks for the fun memories! :)

K.E.N said...

When and where did you live on a farm that had migrant workers? You'll have to tell me that story on Tuesday at yoga.
Oh, and you've just made Eric crave fresh churros...thanks a lot!

Anonymous said...

I just got some tamales from Schwans. It looks like they deliver to your area. Although I suspect they charge more then frozen stuff at the grocery store. I have a few tamales in the freezer if you get hungry when you come and visit. :)

One way I have made myself eat more spinach is to add it to fruit smoothies. Can't help you with the churros though.

Amy said...

I thought it was really weird that I craved Boston lobster when I was pregnant, and I've never been to Boston and hardly ever eaten lobster! I agree--you can get good tamales out here. I craved gummy bears and curry a lot, too.