Sunday, February 24, 2008

Snow Fun

Scott and I are watching my sister's children for a week while she is in Mexico. So while she's enjoying hot sun and warm beaches and sunburn, we decided to enjoy what we had and play in the snow. Uintah basin has definitely had it's share of snow! There are piles and piles of it to sled on...
...and eat.

Some favorite quotes of the week:

Said by Kaelan (age 10) to Scott just tonight while Scott was cleaning up after dinner: "You can fix the internet but you can't turn on a vacuum?"

Bryson (age 3): "Do you want a friendly alien?" but which sounded like "d'yoo wanuh fwendwy aweean?" (It took Scott three or four attempts to figure out what he was asking, with Bryson's anger rising each time Scott didn't understand what was so painfully clear to Bryson.) Then Bryson went on to "show off" his friendly (imaginary) alien that was walking beside him.

Bryson: "When I grow up, I want to be arithmatic." Britta: "a what?" Bryson: "Arithmatic, you know, and do magic." Britta: "Oh, a magician" Bryson: "that's what I said!"


Alisha said...

lol!! love it.

Amy said...

Is that Scott standing on his head in the snow? Is he into yoga too? Yikes!