Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Court is now in session

On Monday I was called in for jury duty! There were about 40 of us in the selection process. I was juror #20. First we filled out a two page questionnaire asking general questions, and then questions about our automobiles and car crashes and our feelings about people who sue. When the judge came in, he asked a lot of questions about our biases, and our magazine and newspaper subscriptions. Then the lawyers and judge called in each juror individually to expound upon their answers from the questionnaire. All in all, the process took almost five hours. The judge reminded us that in some states (i.e. California) the selection process can take weeks!

Well, I was selected to be on the jury. The opening statements were given 45 minutes after the jury was selected. I can't say anything about the trial because I'm commanded to not form an opinion until I've heard from all the witnesses. But I can say that jury duty is kind of a neat experience. I've also decided I never want to be a lawyer, not that that was on my agenda anyway. I can also say that the jury room is loaded with junk food! Today, day three, I finally gave in and ate some... I had at least a little of each the following just today:
Skittles, Nutrigrain Bar, Red Vines, Starbursts, Werther's Original coated in chocolate, string cheese, Cheetos, cheddar-flavored Sun Chips, Triscuts, and frosted animal cookies with sprinkles.

Yuck. I plan on having better self control tomorrow.


Kristen P. said...

All I have to say is the trial must be "pretty exciting" if you needed to bide your time with food. And remember exactly which foods you ate, too. You would be a great person for a 24-hour food recall with a dietitian. Good luck and stick to your guns!

Valerie said...

How fun. I've always wanted to be called for jury duty. Lately, I've thought it would be a lot of fun to go on to law school in family law. It might sway my opinion...

As for the that where our tax money ends up?? I can't believe that list! WILD. Or was it the jurors bringing in food and sharing??

All in all, it sounds like a fun time to be had!

Anonymous said...

A few years back I was on a jury- and despite my objection I selected as jury foreman. It was a good experience.
It's good that my only experience in a federal court house was on the jury stand and not on the other side.

Elysa said...

I would love to hear your thoughts about the experience when you are all done. I think that I will never be chosen to be on a jury given since lawyers hate to have other lawyers on their juries. Something about lawyers thinking they know everything...

Scott said...

I can't wait to hear all the details. I know that this case is open tot he public, but I haven't had the time to go, and Britta can't discuss anything with me until it's done, (some Contempt of Court issue, or something). I'm excited to hear about it!

Alisha said...

you've peaked my interest too. i wanna hear. btw, those snacks sound great to me. i'd be on jury duty just for that!

Amy said...

I hope it's over now, and you can resume your life. When my husband was called to jury duty, I believe they paid him $18.50 for a day's work. Yikes! I hope you were able to help truth and justice prevail!