Thursday, March 29, 2007

Hoo Hung Woo?

Last Saturday we threw a Chinese murder mystery party. It was a lot of fun to see friends and hang out and eat Chinese food, but I was disappointed with the plot of the game. We've done these parties before, but this one was far too complicated to keep track of. Regardless, it was a fun night. It turned out Scott was the guilty one! Do you think he looks the part?


Karen K. said...

LOL. I'm not sure if he looks the part or not. What was he guilty of...being extraordinarily funny-looking???

Do all the participants have to come up with their own costumes? It looks like a lot of fun.

Alisha said...

that looks so fun!!! i've always wanted to host or go to one of those parties!! it sounds like so much fun. so why was the chinese more complicated than other ones? i love the costumes.

Amy said...

I own that murder mystery game, and have played it about three times. I still don't know exactly what happened. I started playing How to Host a Murders when I was about 12, before I understand any of the "adult themes," and I even wrote one myself in 8th grade. The plot is usually quite similar in each one--everyone had a motive, and most actually tried killing the guy, but only one actually pulled it off. We used to have girls dress up as the guys, since I wasn't old enough to invite guys to parties. We mostly just liked to dress up!

Anonymous said...

How come people think that chinese people wear pajamas to dinner? jk
Those glasses remind me of the Japanese pilot that was on Giligans Island--