Sunday, May 05, 2013

Recent pictures... of kids mostly.

These pictures have inspired multiple blog posts in my mind. In reality, I probably won't ever get around to my many thoughtful blog ideas, so here's a mishmash of pictures. Enjoy!

Henry loves pancakes. He pulled them all on to his plate at the end of breakfast.

He had already eaten four pancakes at this point, so that bite was probably his last at this meal.

Grace hanging on for dear life on the merry go round.

She insisted I take a turn while she pushed. She's so grown up.

Henry's favorite reading spot. When this cardboard box ripped at the corner, he cried for a few minutes. He was so sad. Nevertheless, he still goes back and sits in it every time he wants to read.

One of Henry's favorite canvases. I have cleaned his art from this particular wall at least five times since we moved in. This time it was sidewalk chalk--easy.

Another one of Henry's canvases.

"Mom, take a picture of my hand in the rainbow."

What a stud. He loved these sunglasses.

As we peered in his sock drawer he matter-of-factly pointed to the red socks and said "red." I was so taken aback and delighted that he knew the color that I didn't hesitate to honor his questionable fashion sense.

She posed for this and held it until I had at least three photos. She was being Captain Hook.


K.E.N said...

I love that she stays in a pose for that long...her and Noah would be best friends

Galen said...

Grace was on my lap when I pulled up the 'Captain Hook' image. She looked at it and said "Don't I look just like a pirate?" I'm thinkin' you need to show her some pirate pictures.

Unknown said...

The distinct phrase that came to my mind was stud*muffin*.

StephenEmily Stacey said...

Your kids are seriously so very very cute! I wish we lived closer so that our kids could play together.

Unknown said...

So adorable, you have such a talent for capturing the small detail of life. Who was it that said the Lord is in the details of our life..? I think your children personify this.

Scott said...

This post has two of my favorite pictures of our kids in it: I love the pirate pose by Grace - this perfectly captures her imagination and personality. You can tell that she is saying "Arrrrr!" with a curled lip and making her hand into a hook while her foot is placed on a treasure chest. She looks *just* like a pirate.

I also love the picture of Henry with the sunglasses - he is so excited to grow up and do everything along with mom and dad and Grace that when he had his sunglasses on, he felt big and grown up and swaggered down the street with a cool-cat strut; he could only be bothered for a moment to take that picture.