Monday, June 04, 2012

Big Happenings

A lot of big things are happening around here. First and foremost, we have a Doctor in the house! Congratulations, Dr. Peterson. Graduation was in May and we took a family road trip to Missouri for the occasion.

A couple days later I celebrated 9 wonderful years of marriage to the perfect man.
p.s. If anyone is looking for a cheap wedding dress, it is available.

The next big thing is our move to Michigan! After walking away from negotiations on a foreclosed home, we decided to rent this house for now.
We haven't seen it in person so we can't say how long we plan on staying. It may be just a couple months, or it may be a couple years. The housing market there is pretty depressed which means we have our pick of hundreds of houses on the market, but we would also have to resell in four years in the same market. Buying is risky. More pictures will come after the move!


StephenEmily Stacey said...

Hooray for an update! Congrats on 9 years. I hope that you do go for the king size bed next year:)

Ivan and Henry must be meant to be friends. He also draws and hardly eats the chalk.

Stacey Kirchner said...

Congrats to both of you!! Scott has done a lot of work, but he could not have done it without your support Britta! Way to go! And congrats on 9 years. Isn't it wonderful to be married to your best friend?

Alisha said...

love swapping stories with scott!! i am so proud of him and you. what a long road. also, did you sell your dress? that makes me sad