Tuesday, June 05, 2012

All About Grace: 3 years

3 year stats:
(I don't remember. I'll look it up later and update. They are all around where she's been in the past--slightly under average.)

  • Grace is not a "big girl" and if you call her that, she will correct you. She is a "little girl" and when she grows up, she will always be little, according to her.
  • She makes up stories and loves to listen to you tell or read a story. If you read a book she knows, she will correct you if you read it wrong. She prefers made up stories by Daddy (so do I).
    • She told this story on a road trip: "Mommy, I'm telling a story... (pause)... about someone falling... (pause)... AAaaahhhhhh!" Scott and I laughed heartily at that one.
    • She often requests stories about Gracie Goldilocks and the three bears and requests the topic be about what we are currently doing. We each play a character. She even has started calling us by the nicknames Mama Bear, Papa Bear and Baby Henry Bear on a regular basis.
  •  She can sing hundreds of songs, has a great memory for music, and makes up her own songs. The songs are often accompanied by dance. Sometimes she randomly breaks into dance without music like in the above picture. I wish I had had a video camera instead of a still one. Her dance lasted several minutes.
  • She is a very selective eater, always requesting PB&J even if she won't eat it. She likes to lick the jelly.
  • She's experimenting with independence and power struggles much more now than when she was 2.
  • She's completely potty trained and has never had a night accident... yet.
  • She loves to jump off things (while exclaiming "SUPERHERO" or "SUPER HELLO KITTY"), but she is scared of most slides.
  • She still loves animals but has developed a healthy fear of animals that are bigger than her. Thank goodness!
  • She loves being with other kids and people. She makes friends easily and is really genuine. She's a really good sister to Henry, too. She doesn't play well by herself, though. If I ever try to persuade her to play by herself, she curls up on the floor and sucks her fingers, sometimes falling asleep.
  • On a good day she can count higher than 25.
  • She can recognize store names by their logo/sign, specifically Costco, Target and Macey's grocery store, among others.
  • She's a bright girl, ever changing. It's amazing how every few months I feel like I've got a different girl on my hands. She's wonderful and I hope I can be an adequate mother and teach her well.

1 comment:

Alisha said...

love your last two bullets. i feel the same. they are ever changing and i hope i can adapt to be a good mom for them. i found with my first two that three was more difficult as far as the power struggles. i feel as though at two they are really too young to understand the tantrums but at three the tantrums are purposeful.

and that first picture of her is just amazing.