Saturday, February 05, 2011

Read This!

This book was written by a friend of Scott. He wrote it years ago when he and Scott were undergraduates working in the same lab, and Scott had a big hand in influencing some of the early characters. Jacob decided last year he was going to self-publish the book through Amazon.

The novel's target audience is boys ages 12-14, but it is a fantastic read for adults, too. If you liked Ender's Game or Hunger Games books, you would like this book. The circumstances around the characters are unique and creative, and the writing style is quick-paced and clear. To learn more, check out his website Jacob has already written the sequel and I want to know what happens, but he won't publish the second unless he sells enough of the first. So if you're even a little interested, give it a shot so I can find out what happens!

I also have another confession. If Jacob decides to publish a second book, I might get hired to do the artwork again. I did the cover art for this book, and it was a neat experience. I'd love to try my hand at it again.


Unknown said...

Britta, you're amazing!

Alisha said...

i will buy it just because it has your art on it...that's the selling point for me. bonus, if it's a good read. also, is scotts name mentioned in 'acknowledgements'? if it is that another bigh selling point for me.

Britta said...

Yes! Scott's AND my name are in the acknowledgements, and you can see the page if you go to Amazon and see the sneak peek, it shows the acknowledgements page. Pretty cool.