Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Happy Baby

It is fun to find those few things which entertain an 11-week old. This chair is one of them. Grace can sit here of long stretches of time (relatively, but 10-15 minutes for a baby is a L-o-o-o-n-g time) and smile at her reflection in the mirror or bat at the hanging toys. I especially love it because it is also a quiet toy (no repeating electrical tones) and it fits next to me on the table while I am working, typing, or goofing off. Really, I just love to see her smile!


StephenEmily Stacey said...

This is so cute!

Kali said...

Yeah for the bouncy chair! Is this the one from Kito and Nadilia?

Scott said...

Yes. The very one.

Trent said...

I have opened obnoxious toys that make noise and snipped one of the wires to the speaker so they only have blinky lights or other actions so they aren't as annoying. I could just take the battery out but I myself like blinky lights. :)