Friday, January 30, 2009


My mom warned me that pregnant women become very bodycentric. I am constantly preoccupied with what's going on with my body. Here is my 24 week picture. I don't feel like my stomach looks that much bigger than my 20 week picture, but it sure feels bigger! There were a lot of things I was expecting with pregnancy, like food cravings, changing body size, backaches, etc, but here is a list of pregnancy related body things I did NOT know about or expect:
  1. Charley horses. Who would've thought leg cramps were a part of pregnancy? I even have a book that warns me not to point my toes while I'm pregnant because I am susceptible to leg cramps. Weird. They've woken me up at night sometimes.
  2. Bloody noses. Again, what's the connection to pregnancy? I don't get it. But they happen.
  3. Gas. Yuck. nuff said.
  4. Being SOOO hungry. I knew I would need to eat more being pregnant, but I didn't think that included hunger pangs as if I was living in a poverty stricken third world country every morning. If this is how babies feel when their hungry, no wonder they cry.
  5. Wimpy joints (because of hormones not extra weight gain). I think I vaguely remember hearing about this one before I got pregnant, but it changes the way I do everything. I can't cross my legs for more than 10 or so minutes before my knees hurt. I can't run anymore because my knees hurt then, too. I can't lie on firm surfaces on my side because my shoulders will hurt. Speaking of lying down:
  6. Not being able to lie on my back. I miss this one. If I lie on my back the weight of the baby hurts my spine, cuts of blood flow through my body, and interrupts digestion.
  7. Insomnia. I don't think I've slept a fitful night of sleep since Thanksgiving, and it's not because I'm uncomfortable, it's not because I feel the baby all the time, it's just because my body won't stay asleep. This pattern has gotten really really annoying really fast.

I know there are dozens and dozens of other symptoms that some have and some don't during pregnancy, and there will probably be more that I experience. So far it's been a fascinating adventure, and it's only just beginning.


Jamie and Julie said...

How is Scott doing with sympathy pregnancy I got it bad with our first child.

I think pregnancy is one of the most beautiful things there is. Women just seem to have an extra glow about them when they are pregnant.

Sarah Peterson said...

I think your belly looks a little bigger... I bet it will just get big all of a sudden- that's how it seems anyway! So...I have some comments for you-
1- I HATE the leg cramps- remember- just flex the opposite way immediately and they go away. Sometimes you have to look at your leg though because you think you are flexing the opposite way, and you aren't. They are SOO painful!
2. get some sleep pills. I can't remember which ones are safe off the top of my head, but I got some after weeks of not being able to sleep. It was GRRREAT! Although they don't work for every one. It really helped my body get back into a good sleep pattern. I only took them for a few nights.
Anyway- good luck! It goes by fast, so enjoy feeling that baby kick! You will miss it! (at least I do!)

Alisha said...

i agree with you. you still look very small and not much different at all. still, i LOVE that little baby bump.
i got a few leg cramps with jill but with camille it was every night while i was sleeping! worse than that for me was ligament cramping in my lower abdomen. oh i hated those.
bloody noses...weird. i wonder if it's more the dry cold air you have than the pregnancy. i've heard of a pregnancy cold but not a pregnancy bloodly nose.
pangs, yes. weird, i agree.
insomnia. i think it's natures way of getting you prepared for the sleepless nights that will come after with the baby. right now you just have to suffer through them. after the baby you actually have to be productive while not sleeping i.e. nursing, changing dipars etc.
i can't wait for this sweet little girl!
i agree with sarah. enjoy it and love it. i goes too fast.

Crystal said...

I loved reading these! How true! I only got 1 Charley Horse when I was pregnant with Brielle, but boy was it a doozy!!! I woke up screaming and Brendon had to grab my foot and push it back. It hurt to walk for a week after that.

Oh, and I love your belly picture! I was "small" with Brielle, too, and people would comment on how little my belly was. And then I had an 8 lb 10 oz baby. You look great!!

Unknown said...

How can you look so good?! It's just not fair! :)

Valerie said...

Oh, Britta. I'm sorry that there is opposition in all things. Baby=pain plus joy.

Sarah Peterson said...

Do you have "what to expect when you're expecting"? If not- you should get it... You probably do though. Just thought I'd mention it!

Amy said...

I got a lot of charley horses when I was pregnant. Try eating bananas more often--that should help some. Your belly is beautiful! I was always trying to get pregnant models to pose for me so I could paint the beautiful pregnant form. I bet you'd pose if you still lived in Utah, right?

Megan said...

What a cute little baby bump. Hope you are doing well!