Tuesday, May 04, 2010

One of these things just doesn't belong . . .

Can you tell which thing is not like the others by the time I finish my song?

We saw this in a store of the "TJ Maxx" ilk, though I don't think it was TJ Maxx, maybe it was Marshall's? Anyhow, we couldn't resist documenting this for posterity's sake. (Can you find me and Grace in the pic?)


Stephen Stacey said...

Well, I don't know, it seems like these days people are just blurring lines...

By the way, my "Word Verification" word was "seabox". How about that.

Trent said...

I love how Britta captured Scotts expression in the mirror as he looked at the juxtaposed sign and merchandise. I also love the baby casually draped across his arms.