Sunday, May 30, 2010

A conversation we had today

while I was cutting Scott's hair. I was trying a new tool to cut the hair around his left ear.

(trying to sound casual) "Hmm, that cut your hair shorter than I thought it would."

"Are you trying to teach me a lesson?"

"I'm trying to teach myself a lesson."
*laugh laugh*

(a few minutes later while working on the right ear)
"This side looks great!"
*laugh laugh*


Alisha said...

so when is the moving date? i can't believe you'll be back in ut. can't wait to see you all.

Stephen Stacey said...

So do we get photo evidence of the rest of the story? I mean, is his hair the shortest ever now, or did you do the awesome thing and leave it asymmetric?

Jamie Lamb said...

Britta! Do you remember a dear couple of friends from your BYU days...Jamie & Jarom? Hi! (this is Jamie) I came across your blog from the Rasmussen's blog. Ammon and Jarom are surgical residents at the same hospital. Funny, huh? So I thought I'd say hi!

Your little girl is darling! Glad to find you doing so well! (and also glad to see you married that missionary of yours!) :)