Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Make Your Bed!

One of my new year's resolutions this year is to make my bed more. I can honestly say, and Scott can attest to this, that I have already made my bed more this year than I did all last year.

Photo taken July 2012

I was totally motivated by this article that called bed-making a "keystone habit." They say a keystone habit is essentially a catalyst for other good habits.

Has it worked? It's hard to say, but I can say that I feel better on days that I make the bed. Maybe it's a placebo effect, but I don't mind. I plan on keeping it up.

In 2013, I will make my bed more. Check.


nettie said...

I started making my bed consistently about three years ago and it seriously makes me feel better. If I do nothing else that day, at least I made my bed. When it's not made I feel agitated and grumpy.

Unknown said...

I've been better at making my bed of late as well. Feels good. It helps that we have a sitter coming at least three times a week and she just *may* see my room. Shame is a great motivator.

Unknown said...

This has always been a necessity for me, I must have a made bed and a functioning kitchen, whitout these two essental areas clean, nothing else matters or stays clean.