Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Before I forget...

 How do you measure a first step? By the loosest of terms, Henry had his first steps in mid June. He loved the game of walking between Scott and I. He could take up to three sprinted unsupported steps before he'd fall into our arms laughing. However, it wasn't until last week that he could officially be considered a "walker" by the most stringent of terms. He's so careful about standing up completely unsupported. He'll do a few controlled squats (he's really strong). He'll take about five slow, steady steps. Then he'll deliberately sit down and crawl away like a speed demon.

His first words have been Mommmm and Dad (sounds like dat) closely followed by Dace (Grace), Ba (ball) and mmmm-mmmm (vroom-referring to toy cars).

And the final first on this post: his first tooth broke through on July 4th.

Next on schedule, definitely not his first, but his 5th haircut will be due shortly. His hair is almost in his eyes again. His 4th haircut was via Flowbee with the help of my brother and Henry loved it. Maybe I should get one.

1 comment:

Alisha said...

love his face