Tuesday, January 17, 2012

4 month stats

Weight: 16 lbs (73%)
Length: 26.5 in (93%)
Head: 16.6 in (48%)

Henry is strong, happy, easy to laugh and smile, talkative, loves to eat (still, but now with real food too), a pain to get to sleep. He doesn't roll but he can sit up on his own for a few seconds at a time. He has just started not hating tummy time so maybe the rolling will come soon. We all love our little Henry bo Benry!


StephenEmily Stacey said...

He is very very cute! Don't worry, Ella didn't roll until she was 6 months and we had to teach her:)

Alisha said...

those eyes!! i've been so into his hair i havent loved those eyes until now. wow!