Saturday, November 26, 2011

Thankful Thoughts

I have so much to be thankful for.
A handsome, hard-working, helpful husband who loves me,

Two adorable children, a family that is connected through eternity,

Basic necessities always abundant: food, shelter, clothing, indoor plumbing! heat in the winter and cool air in the summer,

A healthy and capable body, intelligence, competence, creativity, music

Knowledge of truth and reality, a testimony of Jesus Christ, the whole plan of why we're here and where we're going. I'm so grateful for life and mortality. I'm so grateful for beauty and truth. I'm so grateful for friends and family. Perhaps this sounds a little generic, but I genuinely feel so grateful for each of these things, along with so much more. I am so blessed! I hope you each had a Happy Thanksgiving and may our hearts be full of gratitude all year.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Thursday, November 17, 2011

All about Henry: 2 months

Weight: 12.8 lbs (73%)
Height: 24 in (84%)
Head: 15.75 in (48%)

We are so happy to have Henry in our family! He makes it feel more full and complete. Here are some things we love about Henry at two months:
  • The first thing anyone says about him is "Look at that hair!" I love his hair. Some people have mentioned how he already needs a hair cut, but no way. Not yet. It's too much fun. Maybe when he can hold his head up I'll reconsider.
  • He loves to eat and it shows! He's growing into a little chunk and he's heavy, especially compared to Grace at this age.
  • He loves to talk. If you make eye contact with him, he'll strike up a conversation with you and has been known to keep up back and forth banter for up to a half hour! During these conversations sometimes I sing to him and he "sings" with me, smiling all the while.
  • He is strong. I really have to work to get him dressed some days when he just wants to keep his arms and legs locked straight.
  • He poops out of his diaper at least once daily. I guess this goes along with the loving to eat thing. We don't love this part as much, but it is something memorable for the blog.
  • He doesn't spit up. However, he is a messy eater. He frequently lets go while nursing just to see how quickly he can latch on again, over and over. This results in a lot of dribbled and squirted milk.
  • He's a happy boy overall, Grace loves him and so do we! We're so happy they get along so far.

This is bedhead Henry (and bedhead mama)

Henry was blessed on November 6th. Here are some highlights of what he was blessed with:
  • With all the knowledge and information available, he will have an open mind and find what is good.
  • A willing heart to serve and lead
  • An obedient heart that will listen to wise council
  • A strong body with full faculty in pursuing goals, sharing knowledge and resources
  • Able to find joy that transcends happiness. This will enable him to serve.

Sunday, November 06, 2011


Happy Birthday Scott! We love you!