Friday, September 17, 2010

I Love... leave the front door open and watch Grace flit in and out like a little butterfly. I grew up in the Midwest and spent the past two years in the Midwest. I love the Midwest, but you can't do this in the Midwest. Here I can leave my door open for hours and not see a single bug. It makes me happy.

I was evaluating my New Year's goals, since we are nearing the end, and I'm feeling pretty good about my progress. In 2010 I want to find happiness and love in every single day. Check.


Stephen Stacey said...

Great. As soon as I opened up your post sentimentality dripped right off the screen and got all over the table. I need to go get some cynicism or something to clean it up with. Thanks a lot.

Megan said...

Oh I do envy you. To have a yard!! Funny that you mention the bugs. After I read your post our door to the balcony was open and coming inside was some strange Georgia bug. So tell me why you love the Midwest? There is a good chance we will be there for a couple years and I want to know what you like about it.

Emily said...

Lovely. Oh how I wish that we had a screen door - or that I lived in the West where I could keep the door open and let Ella "flit in and out." As it is though, I'm very happy where we live (even though I miss you like crazy most every day). Someday we'll make it back out to the west.

Stacey Kirchner said...

Britta, you have inspired me to be more happy. Life has been a little hard for me lately, but I am going to make a goal to find more happiness in life. Thank you for the inspiration!

K.E.N said...

You CAN leave the door open in the just need a screen door. Plus, I KNOW they have flies in've had to been getting some of those.

)en said...

not see a single bug... except for the little butterfly, right? (are butterflies bugs? maybe not)

I was singing the creepy stalker song in the shower today & thought of you. (<-- i'll just leave it riiiight there.) :D

Britta said...

"We are in a story.. (a land of make believe)
BELIEVE what's in this story!!"

Ha ha! I can't even remember all the words or even much melody, but it's still creepy.

" don't know my name... but we're destined all the same!"

You should publish it.

)en said...

totally creepy. Maybe i'll try to remember it for Halloween. ha ha.