Wednesday, May 05, 2010

One Year Stats

Baby Stats:

Height 29" (50%)
Weight 18.0 lbs (10%)

Number of teeth, 2.5 (one just came in last week)
Walking 40% of the time, crawling 40% of the time, falling in a helpless whining baby heap until I pick her up 20% of the time.
Babbles a lot, has maybe a dozen words including duck, dog, moo, num num, up, da da, book...
Sleeps 10-11 hours per night, takes two naps during day.
The doctor said she needed to drink more milk but she cries 80% of the time I try to feed her cow's milk. Still nursing 2-3 times a day.

Mama Stats:

Height still 5'9"
Weight back to pre-pregnancy weight, but body is different shape and has less tone.

Coordination down 60%, clumsiness up exponentially.
Sleep about 7 hours a night.
Patience down 40%, I used to think I was a patient person. Still working on this.
Working about 10 hours a week.
Stressed out a lot easier. Still working on this, too.


Megan said...

I never realized you were so tall. Your body description rings true to have I feel I'm looking these days. I can't believe she is a year! She looks as cute as ever. I'm impressed you work even 10 hours a week. That's exhausting.

Kristen P. said...

Have you tried doing a formula(does she drink formula? i am assuming so with only 2-3 nursing sessions)/cows milk cocktail? But she doesn't have to drink cows milk right this minute. She can do formula until she likes the cows milks. Ben didn't like it at first and personally, I never have liked milk in any form even nursing as an infant (so says my mother).

Scott said...

Grace has never taken to formula, and I can't blame her: it is DISGUSTING! Really! Have you ever tried the stuff? Gross!
We've tried formula a few times, but Grace rejects it. She is doing better on the cow's milk, now, and I'm sure it will be a process, anyhow.

Alisha said...

what about soy milk? might upset her belly less.

lol on the mama stats! have you got back to doing yoga regularly? this will help with your tone and stress level (as you know). even with you working it will be worth it to make time for the yoga!!

Kristen P. said...

soy milk produces toxic diapers! really gross!

Britta said...

I haven't gotten back into yoga, although I have wanted to. I feel like I've been so obsessed about getting the house ready, and now about packing. My productivity is down TONS since I've had a baby. It takes me 20 times longer to do anything, although I'm sure everyone experiences that.

Valerie said...

It's frustrating how much your productivity goes down when you have a baby. It takes years to get it back, just about the time you're ready to have another one.

I think all the time about how much better of a person I was (I thought) before I had kids. I feel like had it together then...I know I was more patient. I know my capacity for most things has increased in the process, but at the same time I feel like I've lost some of my better qualities in the process.

Valerie said...

Is it really possible that Grace is 1?