Sunday, September 18, 2011

He's here!

Henry Scott Peterson
September 13th, 4:39 pm
7 lbs 8 oz
20 inches

The above hairstyle is what you get when the husband is in charge of deciding baby's first hairstyle: baby faux-hawk.

Sister meets brother.

I'm so glad Scott got home in time for Baby Henry's arrival. I'm so glad my mom was here when Scott was gone to keep me sane and healthy. I'm so glad my mom could extend her stay to the week after Scott got back to help keep us fed and happy and to take such good care of Grace. I don't know what I would've done without her. I love you, mom! Thank you for everything you've done in the past three weeks.

p.s. the above is what happens when Grandma meets faux-hawk.


Amber said...

It's about time! I've been checking your blog every few hours since the 13th. Thought I'd go crazy if I didn't see another pic of Henry soon. These are great. Love mom smoothing Henry's hair!

Unknown said...

Yay! Congratulations! Henry is perfect--he fits the mold! So sweet to see Grace meeting him for the first time. Loved the faux-hawk, and loved Grandma smoothing it out! Love you, hope all is well!

Stephen Stacey said...

Oh Britta, just give up and admit that Faux Hawk was your idea. Or did he just come out that way? We'll see whether he keeps that hair. My guess: He'll go bald within 6 months and it'll come back with blonde. He's super cute.

Emily said...

Britta - he is so adorable! I'm excited to see if the faux hawk ends up becoming curly #4.

Alisha said...

mom's are the best with helping at baby time. i'm so happy henry is healthy and you're doing well. so...what's the birth story?

K.E.N said...

Hurray!!! Love him. And Grace's hair is BEAUTIFUL! Congrats. We miss you.

Valerie said...

He is SO cute! I personally love the faux-hawk. SO cute. How is Grace doing now that she's had a few weeks? Thinking of you all!