Sunday, May 08, 2011

Easter recap




Collecting Easter Eggs

Riding the 4-wheel tractors

Going down the big slide(s) with daddy

And the highlight: Petting the animals!

Grace worked hard to try and pet or hold every animal within her reach. She loves animals.

"C'mere, chicken"

She tried and tried for that duck, but he was a quick rascal.

So she settled for watching the baby ducks and chicks.

By the time Scott caught the hot commodity, the baby lamb, Grace was getting too tuckered out to care. But Scott looks pretty cozy holding a baby lamb.

So we went for some lower-key fun: The animal train!

Again! With Daddy.

Finally, the hayride where Grace partook of the spoils of her egg hunt treasure. Hurray for a Happy Easter!


StephenEmily Stacey said...

I love, love, love the slide picture. Those expressions are priceless. And I love love love the curls. What a pretty girl!

K.E.N said...

Look at that hair!